Month: January 2009

Portfolio Theory $DBC $EEM $IWN $IYR $PLW

Here is the weekly rundown of the 5 least correlated liquid ETFs. DBC is showing some signs of life on minuscule volume. Intuitively, I’m bullish commodities, but since they remain in a technical downtrend, I remain cautious. Emerging markets are bouncing within a newly formed downtrend. EEM looks capable of rallying from this point, and…

Quote Critique

“The public may boo me, but when I go home and think of my money, I clap.”– Horace (Roman poet-critic, Epistles, c. 20 BC) The boos of the public don’t concern me, but I plan on dying penniless, surrounded by the people I love. Money has incredible value, but only if you can give it…

Rally Shmally

Call me a complacent bear, but I think the market has an ass kicking in store for the bulls. Yes, that’s a new low for the banking index. Yes, there may be a major pop due to government shenanigans. Yes, it will probably be a fantastic shorting opportunity. Stocks on the NYSE are increasingly volatile…

Bullshit is $BAC

Bank of America (a.k.a. Countrywide Lynch) “surprised” the Street, and cratered to a new low. This chart has been screaming sell for months, and unless you have a short investment time frame, stay away from this monstrosity. The market is putting in a helluva rally at the time of this post. Volatility remains high, so…

Quote Critique

“Excellent firms don’t believe in excellence – only in constant improvement and constant change.”– Tom Peters (In Search of Excellence) Constant improvement and change is an unfortunate but necessary condition of existence within the rat race. It requires a degree of self loathing to catalyze the desired transformation, for if one is at peace, no…

Cash Is King

Market conditions continue to deteriorate as panic spreads around the globe. My SPX indicator made a new O, signaling increased volatility and fewer stocks in bullish formations. Buyers should step to the sidelines and wait till the current rush to safety subsides. The buy write index continues to outperform the underlying SPX, reinforcing my bearish…

No Jobs at $AAPL

Word on the Street is Steve can no longer run the show at Apple. Here’s the Bloomberg scoop. Though this chart doesn’t reflect the new low of $76.51, it does reinforce my belief that surprises tend to move stocks in the direction of the primary trend. Participants long Apple stock are prone to frustration and…

Quote Critique

“History is a collection of agreed upon lies.” – Voltaire (French philosopher, 1694-1778) Cynicism from an imprisoned drunk drug abuser is generally unpleasant, but it is easy to like the words of this famed Freemason. The conspiratorial nutcase in me screams “Dead On!” but rationally, this quote is snarky wisdom that builds nothing. I believe…

Over Trading

Tuesday was a lesson on the virtues of patience and discipline as I unsuccessfully tried to short the market. Things still look grim for the bulls, but there is too much churning for me to make money as I get frustrated switching positions and paying commissions for pennies. Over trading is more than taxing on…

Quote Critique

“There have been three great inventions since the beginning of time: The fire, the wheel and central banking.” -Will Rogers (American humorist and showman, 1879-1935) Being a man of the times, I’m more partial to Bic lighters, bicycles and the Internet. Nevertheless, I can’t deny that central banking is good to those who run the…