Category: Bullidex

S&P 500 Bullidex ($SPY)

What is Bullidex? Bullidex is short for ‘Bullish Percent Volatility Index,’ a combination of S&P 500 derivative indexes to measure Reward & Risk. ‘Bullish Percent Volatility Index’? Think of it as a Reward & Risk Index. $BPSPX tracks the percentage of rising, or “bullish,” S&P 500 stocks. The Reward. $VIX is the S&P 500 Volatility…

S&P 500 Bullidex

Calling bottoms ain’t all that easy, that’s why I watch percents and volatility. As stocks rise and volatility falls, this chart moves up and is good for the longs. The first X we’ve seen in a month, the bulls have momentum, I’m in the run. The news will confound you, GE’s ratings and all, but…