Category: Quote Critique

Quote Corner

When everybody starts looking really smart, and not realizing that a lot of it was luck, I get scared. -Raphael Yavneh (President Forbes Investors Advisory Institute, 1930-1990)

Quote Critique

100% I did. 90% I will. 80% I can. 70% I think I can. 60% I might. 50% I think I might. 40% What is it? 30% I wish I could. 20% I don’t know how. 10% I can’t. 0% I won’t. – (Ladder of Achievement) This was too unusal for me to skip, but…

Quote Critique

If investing is entertaining, if you’re having fun, you’re probably not making any money. Good investing is boring. – George Soros (Financier, philanthropist, political activist, author and philosopher, b. 1930) The market is played by two types of men, and good trades are won before the first bet. Some game for pleasure, betting like fools,…

Quote Critique

Under capitalism man exploits man: under socialism the reverse is true. – Polish proverb Needless to say, I do concur, this here quote is too good for words.

Quote Critique

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class. – Al Capone (American gangster, 1899-1947) I’m no fan of gangsters and thugs, but with words like these, I gotta show love. I just wrote a post on the nature of the game, and how its rigged to drive dumb investors insane. The market is Social…

Quote Critique

We go to the movies to be entertained, not see rape, ransacking, pillage and looting. We can get all that in the stock market. – Kennedy Gammage (The Richland Report) If you’re long equities, you’re getting raped in the face. I suggest heading to the movies for “Watchmen” and avoid thinking about your mismanaged life….

Quote Critique

“News on stocks is not important. How the stock reacts to it is important.” – Michael L. Burke (Investors Intelligence) Trading news is a good way to get eaten by the sharks that tip journalists. Although fundamental news is valuable, it lags the market by many months. It serves to explain market behavior in hindsight,…

Quote Critique

“The ‘canonical’ market bottom typically features below-average valuations, falling interest rates, new lows in some major indices on diminished trading volume… and finally, a quick high-volume reversal in breadth….” -John P. Hussman, Ph.D. (Hussman Funds, 5/22/06) This strikes me as good advice, though I haven’t lived through enough bear markets to validate its truth.  Given…

Quote Critique

“Today’s Ponzi-style acute fragility and speculative dynamics dictate that he who panics first panics best.” – Doug Noland (Prudent Bear Funds, Credit Bubble Bulletin, 10/26/07) First, let me apologize to you dear reader, for Quote Critique has been on a brief but unfortunate hiatus due to extreme lethargy and sexy booze filled nights.  Now that…

Quote Critique

“Whenever a well-known bearish analyst is interviewed [Cover story] in the financial press it usually coincides with an important near-term market bottom.” – Clif Droke (, 11/15/04) When it comes to bear markets, selling the rumor and buying the news is a counter intuitive and frustrating proposition for novice traders.  The market action explains the…