Category: Bullidex

S&P 500 Bullidex ($ES_F $SPY $SPX)

On Friday the Bullidex rose 9.78% to close at 194.4, breaking the January highs! The uptrend remains intact as the bears get skinned by some ballsy bulls. There is no reason to bet on a pullback until there is some evidence of weakness. Volatility remains in a downtrend and there is an increasing number of…

S&P 500 Bullidex ($ES_F $SPY $SPX)

The uptrend remains intact as the S&P 500 Bullidex rose 5.04% to close at 177.1, indicating less volatility amidst more rising stocks. A rising Bullidex is a buy signal as the market exhibits stability and better odds. Note how the March low failed to break the October low, a positive change in the market hidden…

S&P 500 Bullidex ($ES_F $SPY $SPX)

The S&P 500 Bullidex rose 3.13% to close at 168.6, giving strength to the bulls as volatility drops relative to the number of rising stocks.

S&P 500 Bullidex ($ES_F $SPY $SPX)

Despite today’s positive close for the S&P 500, the Bullidex fell 1.79% to end the day at 161.3. This divergence indicates a minor weakening of the up trend as volatility increased relative to the percentage of rising stocks. A new row of O’s in the far right column coupled with a declining blue line will…

S&P 500 Bullidex ($SPX $ES_F $SPY)

The S&P 500 Bullidex rose 4.35% to close at 139.5, signaling lower volatility and more rising stocks. The Bullidex hasn’t been this high since January, and with the March lows above the November levels, things continue to look good for the bulls. Year over year, despite the dramatic fall in the price of the S&P…

S&P 500 Bullidex ($SPY)

According to the S&P 500 Bullidex, luck favors the bulls as the blue line rises. There are a few stocks making new highs as the uptrend grows stronger. Though my indicator said sell two days ago, the intraday strength has kept me from getting too bold with such a trade. APAC, MEMS, SGU, CACH and…

S&P 500 Bullidex ($SPY)

The rally that began 21 days ago on March 10th seems to have come to an end, so my intraday bias is to the short side. Investors must beware the recent change, volatility is rising and more stocks are falling. The 2x S& 500 Inverse ‘SDS’ looks like a good buy, but I’m more interested…

S&P 500 Bullidex ($SPY)

I’m in Vancouver on a netbook, so I’m making today’s post quick. The S&P 500 Bullidex rose 16.7% to close at 97.155, and a potential asset allocation is 19% equities (97/501). The falling volatility and increasing percentage of rising stocks is a positive change for investors, but the slope of the blue line is beginning…

S&P 500 Bullidex ($SPY)

S&P 500 Bullidex ($SPY)

The facts are on the charts, the trend higher continues. What more can I say?