Today’s Twitterd Tickers $FAZ $C $BAC $AAPL $STT
Here are the tickers making noise on StockTwits.

Keep your Benjamins close. The market continues to exhibit risk aversion and volatility. This environment requires keen position size adjustment as the daily swings continue to grow. Small bets can reap huge rewards because the tape is relatively noisy. Moreover, poor capital allocation leads to emotional trading habits that increase the risk of ruin when luck goes bad.
IMHO, the collapse of BAC, BCS and UBS threatens the viability of ETFs and ETNs like SKF and OIL. Swap agreements and debt have credit risks that may appear overnight, though some argue that is possible for the USD. Beware potential liquidity issues for leveraged products that adversely alter the tracking of the underlying index if counter party uncertainties arise.